أخر الاخبار

For sale Scrap / Rails (R50-R65) iron rail

Iron scrap for sale, Saudi Arabia, India, export, supply, suppliers, prices, iron, today, trade, Africa, the Gulf, source of scrap, trade, sale, buy, offers, iron, rods, rails, used, Rail, steel

For sale Scrap / Rails (R50-R65) iron rail
Rail rails available

Origin: Saudi Arabia

Lowest quantity for sale: 1000,000 million tons

Payment terms: MT700 bank credit + full amount bank guarantee

The seller presents to the buyer

A guarantee of 20% of the deal value
And good performance and implementation of 2%

Who request a final rejected video

Communication is direct to the buyer and not a middleman looking for a buyer



The iron and steel industry, as they are called, is (the mother industry) and it is the mainstay of most other industries, if not all. The mother industry has two basic elements, namely energy and ore, and energy has remained and will remain the basic element of this giant industry while the ore situation has changed to compete with it accumulations, residues and waste of mineral production over many years, which is what is called in the commercial markets the term (scrap) or (scrap) from Used and old leftover metals,

From which huge quantities accumulate every year in the global markets, estimated at millions of tons, and now, after recycling, re-melting and casting them, it has become a major source in the iron and steel industry far outweighing the importance of iron ore due to the expenses and stages of dealing with ore. Scrap trade The scrap trade in the global market currently occupies a large area, and it enjoys great interest from major industrialized countries whose companies and iron and steel factories seek to collect the largest quantities of scrap from various world markets to be used as an alternative to iron ore in the iron and steel industry. The markets of the United Arab Emirates occupy a special importance in exporting and re-exporting (scrap) to various parts of the world, especially to some major industrial countries such as Japan, the United States of America, Europe, India and others,

Scrap comes to the through import, as well as through the remnants and remnants of various iron within the country from the remnants of old and used equipment, machines and devices, the remains of old cars and other sources of iron waste. Dubai Trade According to official statistics, the scrap trade in the Emirate of Dubai has witnessed a remarkable growth during the last ten years and attracted traders from all over the world. According to statistics in the past four years, the volume of Dubai's scrap imports in 1995 reached 17 thousand tons, while its exports reached in the same year To more than 217 thousand tons, and in 1996 its exports amounted to 157 thousand tons, while in 1997 they reached about 199 thousand tons, and in 1998 its exports amounted to about 160 thousand tons of this scrap, with the percentage of its imports from abroad remaining within the limits of no more than 22 thousand tons..


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